a presentation of ... Creative Healing, LLC
Opening The Heart Of Western Medicine

If you have been inspired by your experiences related to dying, death and grief and you want to share what you have learned with other people, consider teaching a class for your community.
Death educators are needed for the general public to help people learn about advance directives, hospice and palliative care, end-of-life doula care, support for caregivers, funeral and burial options, grief, and more. On this page you can find out more about why and how you should consider teaching a community class.

If you've been wanting to teach a class in your community about end-of-life issues but haven't done it yet, this free guide can help you get started and get your class going this year!
You'll receive updates on the Instructor Training by email.
Get the book everyone
is talking about!

Why We Need Death Education for Everyone, Right Now!
Learn why the Death Education movement is vitally important right now for our society and get inspired to teach your own class about death and dying!
How to Teach Death-Ed to College Students with Stacy Smith
Learn tips for teaching college students about death and dying from psychologist and educator Stacy Smith.
How Death Awareness Can Change the World and Why We Need It Now
Learn about studies that have shown the positive benefits of death awareness and why we need more of it in the world.
What it Takes to be a GREAT Death-Ed Teacher
Learn what qualities are needed to become the best-possible death education teacher and get inspired to teach your own class!
As part of our DEATH EDUCATION focus EOLU is sponsoring:

"A Year of Reading Dangerously" Reading Group:
exploring death and the afterlife through books