Learn about the work of two faculty members from the Art of Dying Institute's Integrative Thanatology Certificate Program.
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Olivia Bareham is a certified Death Midwife, Home Funeral Guide and Celebrant who recently an alternative funeral home owned and operated entirely by death midwives offering natural, sacred alternatives to traditional funeral home practices.
You will learn:
Why it's important for us to know how to care for loved ones after death
The necessary steps of after-death care
The benefits of a home funeral
How to conduct a 3-day home vigil after a death
How this workshop fits into the curriculum for the Integrative Thanatology Certificate Program
Olivia's Website:
Learn more about the Integrative Thanatology Certificate Program at the NY Open Center:
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Catharine DeLong is a Contemplative and Music Thanatologist in New York City where she performs bedside music vigils for patients in hospice as well as late-stage breast cancer patients. She is the current facilitator and a faculty member for the Integrative Thanatology Certificate of the New York Open Center's Art of Dying Institute.
You will learn:
What is “music thanatology”
The benefits of music thanatology for dying patients and their loved ones
How to use music in end-of-life situations when a music thanatologist is not available
The structure of the Integrative Thanatology Certificate Program offered by the Art of Dying Institute at the New York Open Center
Who the certificate program is for
Faculty members who will be teaching in 2019
Catharine's website: www.delongharp.com