Learn about Jewish traditions and rituals for care of the dying and the dead.

Thursday June 22, 2017
10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern
My guest Rabbi Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs has served as both a rabbi and a chaplain for the past 20 years. She will discuss her work caring for the dead and following the rituals of Judaism in preparation for traditional Jewish burial. This information is important for those of us who care for the dying and want to be respectful of the needs of our patients of Jewish faith.
In this interview you will learn:
How a dying patient (goses) should be cared for in the last hours of life
What are the duties of a Shomer
The Jewish ritual of Tahara (washing of the dead)
The role of a Chevra Kadisha
Why a traditional Jewish funeral should be relatively inexpensive
Jewish burial customs
The mourning ritual (Shiva) for Jewish families

We will also learn from a member of Kavod v'Nichum, a non-profit organization that provides "information, education and technical assistance about Jewish funeral, burial, and mourning mitzvot."
Learn more about Kavod v'Nichum at:
Website: www.jewish-funerals.org