Learn about the flaws in our old models of grief support and a new approach to being with those who are grieiving.

Thursday June 28, 2018
10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern
Call-in Number: (425) 440-5010
Code: 882570#
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After the sudden death of her partner, my guest Megan Devine realized that her psychotherapy training offered her no help whatsoever in coping with the overwhelming grief she experienced. She will share with us how she came to see that our current models of grief support are flawed, what approach she advocates for helping those who grieve and the resources she offers on her website.

In this interview you will learn:
How Megan was inspired to create a new model of grief
What most grief support programs "get wrong
About our society's broken relationship with grief
What those who are grieving need to know right now
How to be an effective support person for someon experiencing grief
About Megan's book "It's OK That You're Not OK"
Megan Devine is a psychotherapist, writier, grief advocate and communication expert. She is the author of the book "It's OK That You're Not OK" and the creator of an online community, blogs, podcasts, and courses for people dealing with grief.
Website: www.refugeingrief.com