For 4 days, November 19-22, 2015, experts and thought leaders on the end-of-life will gather together virtually for a unique online event: Death Expo 2015. For the second year, this innovative format will allow registrants to hear top speakers and change-makers in the death and dying arena from the comfort of their own homes - and at no charge!
Twelve speakers will be highlighted during the event on subjects such as palliative care, advance directives, green burials, the home funeral movement, the afterlife, grief, and death in the arts. An additional 30 recorded interviews from 6 different educational tracks will be available for listening at any time during the event. Registrants will be able to join in Q & A Sessions during the evenings and network together through a Facebook group.
The goal of the Expo is to share the strategies, wisdom, relationships, and expertise needed to accelerate change in the way we approach death and dying around the world in the 21st century. Sessions will be appropriate for practitioners and lay people--anyone interested in end-of-life issues.
Top speakers include: Stephen Jenkinson, author of Die Wise; Ira Byock MD, author of The Best Care Possible; Caleb Wilde of Confessions of a Funeral Director; Monica Williams-Murphy MD, author of It's OK to Die; Jeffrey Marks, author of The Afterlife Interviews; Rev. Terri Daniel, founder of the Afterlife Awareness Conference; Jethro Heiko, creator of My Gift of Grace game; and many others.
Listening will be available either by telephone or online and replays of all interviews will be provided throughout the event.
Registration is free. Sign up here to receive access information by email.
Learn more about Death Expo 2015 at this link: