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Karen M. Wyatt

Ep. 14: Conscious Dying: Shift from Curing to Caring

In this interview you will learn:

What it takes to be a companion to a dying person

To demystify the stages of dying

To reduce suffering and fear for your loved one during the dying process

How to shift from curative care to healing care at the end-of-life


Tarron Estes is an Associate Clinical Faculty with the Watson Caring Science Institute of Boulder, Colorado. She is a lead facilitator for the Human Caring Program, a Caring Science healing modality training for medical professionals in large systems such as Kaiser Permanente and the Veterans Administration Medical Systems.


She has taught internationally in Cambodia and Thailand as Yoga Master & Healing Artist in Residence at the Hotel de la Paix and Anantara Resorts. Her specialization is transformational learning, an experiential education model that unites personal development at the deepest healing levels with organizational development at system-wide levels to produce life transformation for individuals, families, and clinical professionals, as well as culture change for organizations.


Tarron’s educational programs use a variety of healing modalities, including dream translation, body-oriented healing tools such as intensive activities in breath-work, emotional release, forgiveness, spiritual connection, and grounding in the unitary field of consciousness. Her "Best Life Care Visionary " has been used in long-term care, hospice, and healthcare organizations to inspire and manifest purpose in life, fulfillment in relationships, and conscious end of life care planning and practices.


Tarron is also the owner of ElderSpa Innovations, a caregiver training and senior community innovation consultancy that focuses on supporting bedside caregivers in nursing home settings to be authentically present, create healing environments, develop caring relationships, and fulfill the healing needs and desires of families and elders nearing end of life. ElderSpa Innovations creates a new model of holistic care and services matching the lifestyle's of baby boomers who want their families to experience comforting palliative care and spa treatments and enviroments for their parents and themselves. Systems who complete the certification for "ElderVsions Care" adopt a trademarked model of education and marketing that informs and transforms prospective families, staff and community members.


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